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Turtle BeachJuly 27, 2022

Riot Has Banned Two Players For Teabagging in Valorant


While Valorant is all about its gunplay and the skill players wield with their weapons, there's been a large emphasis on cracking down on community violations within the server.

From handing out AFK bans to penalizing players who use slurs within text chat, Riot has taken a step forward in their actions to combat these behaviours.

But, have they gone too far this time around? As two players have been banned for the forseeable future for their teabagging quotes.

Riot Has Banned Two Players For Teabagging in Valorant

This subject has been ramping up as of late, with a comment from a popular women's Valorant discord called Galorants commenting on how teabagging is offensive within Valorant.

While these comments happened back in June, two players within the Galorants Discord have had Riot strike down on them for targetted harassment over their stance on the teabagging take.

In a lengthy blog post, Riot shared the following comments on the siutation.

"Both instances of behavior are violations of the VALORANT Champions Tour Global Competition Policy. Consequently, Dawn is banned from any association or affiliation with a team in a Riot-sanctioned competition for three months, beginning from the date of the latest violation and ending on September 27, 2022. Risorah is banned from any association or affiliation with a team in a Riot-sanctioned competition for nine months, beginning from the date of the latest violation and ending on March 27, 2023."

"Beginning June 24, a player (identified as “Player A” to protect their identity) engaged community members on the GALORANTS Discord server. On June 27, the discussion evolved into an argument spanning multiple Twitter posts. Dawn’s responses included a vulgar and targeted remark at Player A.

On June 27, Risorah created multiple Twitter posts specifically targeted at Player A, in which Risorah pasted GALORANTS Discord conversations between themselves and Player A. Risorah proceeded to post a video they edited, in which they amplified and personally added vulgar commentary around Player A. On June 28, Risorah directly tagged and targeted Player A as the subject of a vulgar post.

During the course of the investigation, we reviewed extensive screenshots and video of the alleged violations and of correspondence between the accused and Player A. Additionally, we conducted interviews with involved parties, including Dawn and Risorah."