All the DVA mains out there should be happy to know that the South Korean mech pilot's gameplay seems largely the same compared to her current version. The first part of Super's tank perspective video shows him solo-tanking as DVA where the mech keeps her same fusion cannons, boosters, secondary missiles, defense matrix, and of course her self-destruct ultimate. With her trademark \"pilot form\" also still present after her mech is destroyed, the role DVA provides as a versatile tank that can quickly chase down objectives or fleeing enemies is still intact. Though unlike Reinhardt or Orisa, DVA was never known as the primary tank teammates would stand behind, so we'll have to see how her defensive tools adapt to compensate for only having 1 tank per team.
After the side switch, Super swaps to his infamous Reinhardt and that's where Overwatch 2's changes become more noticeable. Reinhardt's shield strength looks to be reduced to 1200 from the original's 1600, his charge is now on an 8 second cooldown instead of his current 10 seconds, and his firestrike now has 2 charges. While the extra shield strength will certainly be missed in a game with only 1 tank, these changes make sense if Blizzard's intention is to move Rein in a direction where he's able to fight on more even footing with a quicker charge cooldown and an additional firestrike as opposed to his previous identity of the guy you walk behind and watch as he holds up his shield and swings his hammer.
It didn't take long before Super swapped to Roadhog who like DVA, has kept all his abilities and cooldowns the same. It's interesting however that his hook functions exactly like it does in the current Overwatch given that Blizzard has admitted that they'll be moving away from heroes having \"crowd control\" abilities.
Before the match was done there was one last swap to Wrecking Ball who once again contains the same abilities, cooldowns, and ammo amounts to his live version. Unfortunately there wasn't much to extrapolate here before the video ends, but it's still curious how these types of mobile tanks who never typically played as a beefy frontline will perform without another tank that would be the one staying closer to the team.