Mid-Patch Update!

League of Legends next update, patch 12.5b, is a micropatch that will arrive this week.
While the fifth patch only featured a few changes, this will extend those changes.
Here’s what’s new in update 12.5b for LoL.
Release Date
The 12.5b update will arrive in League of Legends on Wednesday 9th March 2022.
Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:
- 3 am PT (NA servers)
- 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
- 3 am CET (EUNE servers)
Champion Updates
Champion Buffs
Master Yi
BASE HEALTH 550 ⇒ 599E - TRUE DAMAGE 30/37/44/51/58 (+30% bonus AD) ⇒ 30/38/46/54/62 (+30% bonus AD) (base damage reverted only)R - COOLDOWN 100/90/80 seconds ⇒ 85 seconds at all ranks (reverted)
W - PASSIVE BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE ON-HIT 7/9/11/13/15 (+30% AP) ⇒ 7/10.5/14/17.5/21 (+30% AP)R - BASE MAGIC DAMAGE 150/200/250 ⇒ 150/250/350
- BASE AD 60 ⇒ 62
W - MANA COST 70 at all ranks ⇒ 75/70/65/60/55R - COOLDOWN 100/80/60 seconds ⇒ 80/70/60 seconds
AD GROWTH 2.3 (101.1 at level 18) ⇒ 2.9 (111.3 at level 18)PASSIVE - VIGILANCE BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE ON-HIT 14 (+10% AD) ⇒ 14 (+20% AD)
Champion Nerfs
PASSIVE - MAXIMUM MANA INCREASED 5% per 100 AP ⇒ 10% per 100 APQ - DAMAGE 75/100/125/150/175 (+40% AP) (+3% bonus mana) ⇒ 70/90/110/130/150 (+45% AP) (+3% bonus mana)
BASE AD 58 ⇒ 53HEALTH GROWTH 85 (1945 at level 18) ⇒ 90 (2030 at level 18)BASE ARMOR 23 (+3.5 per level), 82.5 at level 18 ⇒ 22 (+3 per level), 73 at level 18BASIC ATTACK - CHARGED MAGIC DAMAGE RATIO BASED ON TARGET'S MAX HEALTH 3-15% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 1-10% (+0.5% levels 1-7, +1% levels 8-13)Q - TOTAL PHYSICAL DAMAGE 9/13/17/21/25 (+110% AD) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+ 110% AD)E - COOLDOWN 23/22/21/20/19 seconds ⇒ 23 seconds at all ranksE - PIERCE DAMAGE 80/85/90/95/100% ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100%R - STACKS PER CHAMPION HIT BY INITIAL LIGHTNING CRASH 3 ⇒ 4R - BONUS MOVE SPEED PER STACK 2% ⇒ 1.5%
Q - FISHBONES MANA COST 16/17/18/19/20 ⇒ 20 at all ranksQ - FISHBONES RANGE 100/125/150/175/200 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
BASE ARMOR 28 ⇒ 26BASE HEALTH 530 ⇒ 510
System Changes And Items
Locket of Iron Salari
CONSECRATE (PASSIVE) - BONUS ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST 5 ⇒ 3DEVOTION (ACTIVE) - SHIELD AMOUNT 230-385 (target's levels 1-18) ⇒ 200-365 (target's levels 1-18)
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