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Turtle BeachJuly 28, 2021

League of Legends 11.16 Patch Notes: Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins


League of Legends next update, patch 11.16, will arrive in August.

Following the 11.15 update, we'll see how the previous changes affected the game and whether Riot need to make some big changes in it's next one.

This update sees 15 champions being updated, including the anticipated Sona rework.

As for skins, the Coven set is being released for 7 champions.

Here’s what’s new in update 11.16 for LoL.

Release Date

The 11.3 update will arrive in League of Legends on Wednesday 18th July 2021.

Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:

  • 3 am PT (NA servers)
  • 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
  • 3 am CET (EUNE servers)
Champion Updates

Champion Nerfs

  • Diana
    • P Monster damage reduced to 250% from 300
  • Fiora
    • E cooldown increased to 11-7 from 11-5
  • Lee Sin
    • W Omnivamp decreased to 5-25% from 10-30%
  • Lulu
    • W cooldown increased to 16012 from 15-11
    • R cooldown increased to 120-80 from 110-80
  • Tahm Kench
    • P damage decreased to 8-60 from 12-60
    • Q healing decreased to 10-30 from 15-35
  • Xin Zhao
    • Base AD reduced to 63 from 66
  • Ziggs
    • Mana increased to 480 from 420
    • E damage per mind changed to 30-190 from 40-180
    • E slow decreased to 10-50% from 30-50%

Champion Buffs

  • Jarvan IV
    • P Current HP damage increased to 10% from 8%
    • R bonus AD ratio increased to 180% from 150%
  • Jhin
    • W damage increased to 60-200 from 50-190
    • R min damage AD ratio increased to 25% from 20%
  • Maokai
    • P heal increased to 7-15% from 5-13%
    • E damage decreased to 20-120 from 25-125
    • E AP ratio changed to 0.7% from 0.8% per 100 AP
  • Nunu
    • MS increased to 345 from 340
    • E Total damage increased to 90% AP from 54% AP
  • Shaco
    • Bugfixes and reverting Q showing in Fog of War from 11.15
  • Sivir
    • W AD ratio increased to 30-90%
  • Vladimir
    • P each point of AP grants 1.6 HP from 1.4
    • Grant 1 additional AP per 30 Bonus HP from 40

Champion Changes

  • Sona
  • Power Chord (Passive):
    • New Passive Accelerando
    • Sona's basic abilities grant her permanent Accelerando stacks. She gains +.5 Non-Ultimate Ability Haste per, up to 60 Non-Ultimate Ability Haste. Once she reaches 60 Non- Ultimate Ability Haste, instead of gaining additional Accelerando, she reduces her Ultimate Ability's current cooldown by 1.5s.
  • Hymn of Valor (Q):

    • Mana Cost reduced to 50-70 from 75-95
    • Grants a stack of Accelerando for each bolt that hits an enemy champion
    • Mana refund removed
  • Aria of Perseverance (W):

    • Mana cost reduced to 80-100 from 105-125
    • Grants a stack of Accelerando each time you heal another injured ally or prevent at least 25-125 damage from another ally with shields while they are shielded by Aria
    • Mana refund removed
  • Song of Celerity (E):

    • Mana cost reduced to 65 from 90
    • NEVER grants accelerando
    • Mana refund removed
  • Crescendo (R):

    • Basic ability cooldown reduction removed
    • Hits Champions, minions and monsters now
System Changes

System Changes

  • Dark Seal (Nerf)
    • AP per stack reduced to 4 from 5
    • Stacks lost on death is now 5 from 4
  • Redemption (Buff)
    • Heal increased to 200-400 from 180-360
    • CD reduced to 90 from 120
New Skins

Coven Skins

  • Coven Ahri
  • Coven Ashe
  • Cover Cassiopeia
  • Coven Evenlynn - 1820 RP
  • Coven Leblanc - Prestige Skin
  • Old Gods Warwick
  • Old Gods Malphite

Elderwood Nocturne and Elderwood Ivern will be change to "Old Gods".

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