
League of Legends next update, patch 11.13, will arrive next week.



In the next update, players can expect a flurry of changes including a Tahm Kench rework, multiple system changes and a few champion adjustments.



As for skins, we’ll be getting a number of new Astronaut themed skins and a brand new Project skin.



This is probably the lightest update for champion changes since Season 11 began.



Here’s what’s new in update 11.13 for LoL.


\n \n Release Date\n \n


The 11.3 update will arrive in League of Legends on Wednesday 23rd June 2021.



Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:

  • - 3 am PT(NA servers)
  • \n
  • - 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
  • \n
  • - 3 am CET (EUNE servers)
  • \n

\n \n Champion Changes\n \n


Tahm Kench Rework



  • Base HP - lowered from 600 to 570
  • \n
  • HP per level - lowered from 100 to 95
  • \n
  • Base armour - lowered from 47 to 42
  • \n
  • Mana per level - increased from 40 to 50
  • \n


Abilities Rework:

  • An Acquired Taste (Passive)
  • \n
    • Attacks deal (2.5% Health) bonus magic damage. Against champions, the add a stack of An Acquired Taste for 5 seconds, up to 3 times.
    • \n
    • \nAt 3 stacks, Tongue Last and Devour become empowered against that champion.

      Tongue Lash (Q):\n
    • \n
    • Mana Cost – 50/46/42/38/34
    • \n
    • Cooldown – 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
    • \n
    • Deals [80/130/180/230/280 (+70% AP)] magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.
    • \n
    • On Champion hit, heals Tahm for [6/7/8/9/10%] of his missing health and applies a stack of An Acquired Taste. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste, they will also be stunned for 1.5 seconds, consuming the stacks.
    • \n
    • \nActivate Devour while your tongue in in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste from a distance when you hit them.”

      Abyssal Dive (W):\n
    • \n
    • Mana Cost – 50/65/80/95/110
    • \n
    • Cooldown – 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
    • \n
    • Dive down and re-appear at target location, dealing [100/135/170/205/240 (+100% AP)] magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for 1 second.
    • \n
    • \nDevoured allies units can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).”

      Thick Skin (E):\n
    • \n
    • No Cost
    • \n
    • Cooldown – 3 seconds
    • \n
    • Passive: 45/50/55/60/65% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin. While out of combat for more that 4 seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for 30-100% of it’s value.
    • \n
    • \nActive: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a shield, lasting 2.5 seconds.”

      Devour (R):\n
    • \n
    • Mana Cost – 100
    • \n
    • Cooldown – 120/100/80 seconds
    • \n
    • Tahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.
    • \n
    • Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and take [100/250/400 + (15% +0.05% AP) of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40% and Grounded during this effect.
    • \n
    • Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and are granted a shield blocking [300/450/600 (+100% AP)] damage for up to 2.5 seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40/25/10% and Grounded during this effect – but he can cast Abyssal Dive.”
    • \n
\n \n
\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n

Champion Nerfs


Lee Sin

  • \nE damage reduced to 100-220

  • \n
  • \nE shield reduced to 80-200

  • \n
  • W cooldown changed to 7-6 seconds
  • \n
  • W movement Speed reduced to 10-35%
  • \n


Champion Buffs



  • P stats increased to 5-30
  • \n
  • \nP stats leathlity increased to 4.5-27

  • \n
  • \nQ damage per dagger increased to 50-150

  • \n
  • Health per level increased to 100
  • \n


Champion Adjustments


Viego (Jungle)

  • Q minion healing reduced to 50%
  • \n
  • E movement speed increased to 25-35%
  • \n
  • E missile speed increased to 1200
  • \n
  • -E missile length increased to 775
  • \n

\n \n Systems Changes\n \n


New Items


Anathema’s Chains (2500 gold)

  • 650 health and 20 Ability Haste
  • \n
  • Active - Vow: Choose a nemesis to start building a Vendetta over 60 seconds (90s).
  • \n
  • Vendetta: Take up to 30% reduced damage from your Nemesis, 1% per Vendetta stack.
  • \n
  • Vengeance: At max stacks, your Nemesis has 20% reduced Tenacity while near you.
  • \n

Hullbreaker (2800 gold)

  • 50 Attack Damage, 300 Health and 150% Base Health Regen
  • \n

Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain 20-45 Armor and Magic Resist and 20% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain 60 - 135 Armor.


  • System Nerfs
  • \n
  • \n
    • Divine Sunderer (ranged)
    • \n
  • \n
  • \nDamage reduced to 12%/9% (melee/ranged) max hp\n
    • \n
    • System Buffs
    • \n
  • \n
  • Luden’s Tempest - cost reduced to 3200
  • \n
  • Liandry’s Anguish - cost reduced to 3200
  • \n
  • Everfrost - cost reduced to 3200
  • \n
  • Moonstone Renewer - Heal and shield power per stack increased to 7%
  • \n
  • Ghost Poro Rune - Ghost Poro duration increased to 90 seconds and reveal duration increased to 6 seconds
  • \n


Mobility Creep Reduction



  • Halting Slash now doesn’t dash 300 units (removed)
  • \n
  • Halting Slash can now be cast while moving
  • \n
  • Halting Slash damage TAD Ratio increased to 100%, 90% decaying to 40% over 30 seconds
  • \n
  • Halting Slash Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, Heroic Gait Passive reduced to 20 Move Speed
  • \n
  • \nMythic Passive reduced to 2% Move Speed, Health increased to 400 and Attack Damage reduced to 40
  • \n
  • \nInspire Active Move Speed changed to 30% Move Speed non-decaying
    Cosmic Drive\n
  • \n
  • Movement Speed increased changed to 20
  • \n
  • \nAbility Power increased to 80
    Nimbus Cloak\n
  • \n
  • \nMove Speed Per Threshold changed to 5%/20%/25%
  • \n
  • \nMythic Passive changed to 2% Move Speed
    Prowler’s Claw\n
  • \n
  • Cooldown increased to 90 seconds
  • \n
  • Leathality decreased to 18
  • \n
  • \nSandswipe Tartgeting Enemy Champions
    Trinity Force\n
  • \n
  • Attack Damage increased to 35
  • \n
  • \nOn-Hit Move Speed decreased to 20
    Lich Bane\n
  • \n
  • Movement Speed decreased to 8%
  • \n
  • \nAbility Power increased to 75
    Black Cleaver\n
  • \n
  • Health increased to 450
  • \n
  • \nMove Speed Per Stack of Carve decreased to 3 (max 18)
    Dead Man’s Plate\n
  • \n
  • Charge time decreased to 4 seconds
  • \n
  • Max move speed decreased 40
  • \n
  • \nDamage 1-40 (+100% base AD) physical damage based on stacks
    Death’s Dance\n
  • \n
  • Heal on Champ Takedown increased to 15%
  • \n
  • Removed Takedowns grant 30% bonus Move Speed for 2 seconds
  • \n

\n \n New Skins\n \n


Astronaut Corki - 1350 RP

\n \n \n \"\"\n \n \n \n \n \n

Astronaut Maokai - 1350 RP

\n \n \n \"\"\n \n \n \n \n \n

Astronaut Rammus - 1350 RP


Astronaut Veigar - 1350 RP

\n \n \n \"\"\n \n \n \n \n \n

Project Zed: Prestige Edition - 100 Prestige Points

\n \n \n \"\"\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n\n","datePublished":"2021-06-16T15:21:11Z","description":"Here are the latest patch notes for update 11.13 in League of Legends including all champion nerfs, buffs, item changes and new skins.","headline":"League of Legends 11.13 Patch Notes: Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/5795/5430/articles/unnamed_48de38fc-4485-4e5b-930d-09da3571956f.jpg?v=1706891126","url":"https://au.turtlebeach.com/blog/league-of-legends-11-13-patch-notes-release-date-champion-changes-and-new-skins"}



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Turtle BeachJune 16, 2021

League of Legends 11.13 Patch Notes: Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins

League of Legends next update, patch 11.13, will arrive next week.

In the next update, players can expect a flurry of changes including a Tahm Kench rework, multiple system changes and a few champion adjustments.

As for skins, we’ll be getting a number of new Astronaut themed skins and a brand new Project skin.

This is probably the lightest update for champion changes since Season 11 began.

Here’s what’s new in update 11.13 for LoL.

Release Date

The 11.3 update will arrive in League of Legends on Wednesday 23rd June 2021.

Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:

  • - 3 am PT(NA servers)
  • - 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
  • - 3 am CET (EUNE servers)

Champion Changes

Tahm Kench Rework


  • Base HP - lowered from 600 to 570
  • HP per level - lowered from 100 to 95
  • Base armour - lowered from 47 to 42
  • Mana per level - increased from 40 to 50

Abilities Rework:

  • An Acquired Taste (Passive)
    • Attacks deal (2.5% Health) bonus magic damage. Against champions, the add a stack of An Acquired Taste for 5 seconds, up to 3 times.
    • At 3 stacks, Tongue Last and Devour become empowered against that champion.

      Tongue Lash (Q):
    • Mana Cost – 50/46/42/38/34
    • Cooldown – 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
    • Deals [80/130/180/230/280 (+70% AP)] magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.
    • On Champion hit, heals Tahm for [6/7/8/9/10%] of his missing health and applies a stack of An Acquired Taste. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste, they will also be stunned for 1.5 seconds, consuming the stacks.
    • Activate Devour while your tongue in in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste from a distance when you hit them.”

      Abyssal Dive (W):
    • Mana Cost – 50/65/80/95/110
    • Cooldown – 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
    • Dive down and re-appear at target location, dealing [100/135/170/205/240 (+100% AP)] magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for 1 second.
    • Devoured allies units can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).”

      Thick Skin (E):
    • No Cost
    • Cooldown – 3 seconds
    • Passive: 45/50/55/60/65% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin. While out of combat for more that 4 seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for 30-100% of it’s value.
    • Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a shield, lasting 2.5 seconds.”

      Devour (R):
    • Mana Cost – 100
    • Cooldown – 120/100/80 seconds
    • Tahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.
    • Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and take [100/250/400 + (15% +0.05% AP) of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40% and Grounded during this effect.
    • Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and are granted a shield blocking [300/450/600 (+100% AP)] damage for up to 2.5 seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40/25/10% and Grounded during this effect – but he can cast Abyssal Dive.”

Champion Nerfs

Lee Sin

  • E damage reduced to 100-220

  • E shield reduced to 80-200

  • W cooldown changed to 7-6 seconds
  • W movement Speed reduced to 10-35%

Champion Buffs


  • P stats increased to 5-30
  • P stats leathlity increased to 4.5-27

  • Q damage per dagger increased to 50-150

  • Health per level increased to 100

Champion Adjustments

Viego (Jungle)

  • Q minion healing reduced to 50%
  • E movement speed increased to 25-35%
  • E missile speed increased to 1200
  • -E missile length increased to 775

Systems Changes

New Items

Anathema’s Chains (2500 gold)

  • 650 health and 20 Ability Haste
  • Active - Vow: Choose a nemesis to start building a Vendetta over 60 seconds (90s).
  • Vendetta: Take up to 30% reduced damage from your Nemesis, 1% per Vendetta stack.
  • Vengeance: At max stacks, your Nemesis has 20% reduced Tenacity while near you.

Hullbreaker (2800 gold)

  • 50 Attack Damage, 300 Health and 150% Base Health Regen

Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain 20-45 Armor and Magic Resist and 20% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain 60 - 135 Armor.

  • System Nerfs
    • Divine Sunderer (ranged)
  • Damage reduced to 12%/9% (melee/ranged) max hp
    • System Buffs
  • Luden’s Tempest - cost reduced to 3200
  • Liandry’s Anguish - cost reduced to 3200
  • Everfrost - cost reduced to 3200
  • Moonstone Renewer - Heal and shield power per stack increased to 7%
  • Ghost Poro Rune - Ghost Poro duration increased to 90 seconds and reveal duration increased to 6 seconds

Mobility Creep Reduction


  • Halting Slash now doesn’t dash 300 units (removed)
  • Halting Slash can now be cast while moving
  • Halting Slash damage TAD Ratio increased to 100%, 90% decaying to 40% over 30 seconds
  • Halting Slash Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, Heroic Gait Passive reduced to 20 Move Speed
  • Mythic Passive reduced to 2% Move Speed, Health increased to 400 and Attack Damage reduced to 40
  • Inspire Active Move Speed changed to 30% Move Speed non-decaying
    Cosmic Drive
  • Movement Speed increased changed to 20
  • Ability Power increased to 80
    Nimbus Cloak
  • Move Speed Per Threshold changed to 5%/20%/25%
  • Mythic Passive changed to 2% Move Speed
    Prowler’s Claw
  • Cooldown increased to 90 seconds
  • Leathality decreased to 18
  • Sandswipe Tartgeting Enemy Champions
    Trinity Force
  • Attack Damage increased to 35
  • On-Hit Move Speed decreased to 20
    Lich Bane
  • Movement Speed decreased to 8%
  • Ability Power increased to 75
    Black Cleaver
  • Health increased to 450
  • Move Speed Per Stack of Carve decreased to 3 (max 18)
    Dead Man’s Plate
  • Charge time decreased to 4 seconds
  • Max move speed decreased 40
  • Damage 1-40 (+100% base AD) physical damage based on stacks
    Death’s Dance
  • Heal on Champ Takedown increased to 15%
  • Removed Takedowns grant 30% bonus Move Speed for 2 seconds

New Skins

Astronaut Corki - 1350 RP

Astronaut Maokai - 1350 RP

Astronaut Rammus - 1350 RP

Astronaut Veigar - 1350 RP

Project Zed: Prestige Edition - 100 Prestige Points