Free stuff is great stuff

Fortnite's new Season has released and with it comes new and exciting content. With so many great cosmetics on offer, it can be tough on your wallet if you want to get them all.
So we've come up with some great ways to get more bang for you buck by giving you the opportunity to grab some freebies and get hold of V-Bucks.
How To Get Free Skins And V-Bucks in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
Prime Gaming
Prime Gaming regularly offers players the chance to grab free cosmetics. So be sure sign up for Amazon Prime and link it to your Twitch account for free rewards.
PS Plus
Luckily, PlayStation fans occassionally offer free packs including the 'Celebration Pack', exclusively for PS Plus subscribers.
Twitch Drops
Twitch users can obtain free drops by linking their Epic Games account to their Twitch account. All you have to do is log in and watch specific streams (including FNCS streams) to claim them.
Challenge Skins
Sometimes Epic releases a skin or challenge pack for players to complete to earn a free skin - the most recent of which was the Street Shadows skin.
How To Get Extra Skins And V-Bucks in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4
The following methods will cost you a bit of money to get skins, cosmetics or V-Bucks but offer an amazing amount of value.
Fortnite Crew
Fortnite now offers a subscription service that allows you to get more for your money. It offers players free skins, V-Bucks, Battle Passes, cosmetics and more for a monthly fee of £9.99/$11.99/€11.99.
Challenge Packs
Sometimes Epic releases a challenge pack for players to complete to earn a free skin or other cosmetics (including V-Bucks).
Battle Pass
The Battle Pass grants players access to a number of new skins, cosmetics and V-Bucks all for just 950-VBucks. Players can also earn different styles for levelling up past Tier 100 and beyond.
There's also a Secret Battle Pass skin that is unlocked during the Season that comes at no additional cost.