
The King of Kings


Season 5 Reloaded has brought a flurry of new content to Cold War and Warzone, including a new melee weapon.


The Sai is a traditional Oknawan melee weapon used for stabbing and blocking. You may be familiar with it as its a popular weapon used in ninjutsu and konujutsu.


This sharp metal pronged weapon will be available to unlock from the 21st September by completing challenges in-game. Here's how to get it!


\n \n Release Date\n \n

The weapon will be released on the 21st September 2021.
This is because it is tied into 'The Numbers' event.

\n \n How To Unlock The Sai Melee Weapon\n \n


\n \n The Easy Way\n \n

Like all weapons that have proceeded it, we can anticipate it will be available in a blueprint bundle from the store. Simply purchasing this bundle will unlock the weapon!

\n \n The Numbers Event Unlock Guide\n \n


Eighteen challenges and 19 rewards are available for players, across multiplayer and Zombies, with 9 being unique to Warzone.


Complete a full set of nine challenges in either game to unlock the weapon!


Unfortunately, we're not aware of what those challenges are just yet. One we have more information we will update this page.


But it appears one challenge maybe available already.


Check out 'The King' Easter Egg/Quest here.

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\n\n\n","datePublished":"2021-09-09T10:09:00Z","description":"Here's how you can unlock the new Sai melee weapon in Cold War and Warzone FAST!","headline":"How To Unlock The Sai FAST In Cold War And Warzone","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/5795/5430/articles/unnamed_42ffac10-8d96-4192-a8dc-fcc885e9d3fc.jpg?v=1706891034","url":"https://au.turtlebeach.com/blog/call-of-duty-warzone-cold-war-unlock-sai-guide-ps4-xbox-one-series-x-pc-ps5"}


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Turtle BeachSeptember 9, 2021

How To Unlock The Sai FAST In Cold War And Warzone

The King of Kings

Season 5 Reloaded has brought a flurry of new content to Cold War and Warzone, including a new melee weapon.

The Sai is a traditional Oknawan melee weapon used for stabbing and blocking. You may be familiar with it as its a popular weapon used in ninjutsu and konujutsu.

This sharp metal pronged weapon will be available to unlock from the 21st September by completing challenges in-game. Here's how to get it!

Release Date

The weapon will be released on the 21st September 2021.
This is because it is tied into 'The Numbers' event.

How To Unlock The Sai Melee Weapon

The Easy Way

Like all weapons that have proceeded it, we can anticipate it will be available in a blueprint bundle from the store. Simply purchasing this bundle will unlock the weapon!

The Numbers Event Unlock Guide

Eighteen challenges and 19 rewards are available for players, across multiplayer and Zombies, with 9 being unique to Warzone.

Complete a full set of nine challenges in either game to unlock the weapon!

Unfortunately, we're not aware of what those challenges are just yet. One we have more information we will update this page.

But it appears one challenge maybe available already.

Check out 'The King' Easter Egg/Quest here.

Follow us for the latest updates!