Pack a little punch

Mauer Der Toten is live for all Cold War players to explore and the Berlin location is shrouded in darkness - so you'll need to turn on the power.
Once done, the rounds will quickly fly-by and you'll need to upgrade your weaponry to continue slaying the undead effectively - so you'll need to Pack-A-Punch your guns.
Here's how to turn on the power and upgrade your weapons in Mauer Der Toten
How To Turn On The Power
How To Get To The Streets
In the starting room you're going to need to open the first door that's connected to the zipline.
This costs $750 to open and should only take a couple of Zombie kills to unlock. If you want to save ammo, you can 1 hit melee for the first round and two hit for the second.
Once through, the next Zipline is to the left of the second area - this will cost you $1000.
Again, you'll need to earn enough money to get through, which isn't difficult. If players aren't spending cash try opening some doors first to show good-will when playing online.
Once on the third roof-top, you can actually access the street below very easily.
Head down to the lower part of the roof, where the indicator is marked on a door and head right where the purple arrow is pointing.
Once again, head right into the doorway with the purple arrow and down the spiral staircase; the door will cost $1250.
Head left where yet another purple arrow is pointing and you'll access the street.
Once you've gone through the archway, go all the way right (almost 180 degrees) and down a manhole into the sewer; this will cost $1500.
How To Find The Power
Once in the sewer, you'll need to head over the train tracks and train platform.
When you've dropped down, go through the double doorway and turn right and it is a straight-line to the train tracks.
Head over the train tracks (try not to get flattened) and through the next door which costs $1750.
Once in the sewer, you'll need to head over the train tracks and train platform.
When you've dropped down, go through the double doorway and turn right and it is a straight-line to the train tracks.
Head over the train tracks (try not to get flattened) and through the next door which costs $1750.
The next door is located straight ahead and will cost you $1750.
Head up the staircase and up to the power generator.
Tempests will spawn in the map on your route to the power, so kill them and pick up the fuses they drop.
You'll need to inser the electrical fuse and then flip the switch next to it to turn on the power.
How To Pack-A-Punch Weapons
Pack-A-Punch Location
Now you've got the power going, you can Pack-A-Punch your weapons. The Pack-A-Punch machine is located on the streets.
Head back to the previous room and find the Rappel line to get back to the streets.
Once on the surface, you want to head right (over the top of the cars) and you'll spot the Pack-A-Punch machine surrounded by some floating bodies.
You'll need to prove you're "worthy" so once you've started the trial, I would recommend getting out of there as the bodies will surround you and kill you quickly if you're not prepared.
If you have teammates, get them to help eliminate you and the disciple.
Once defeated, the Pack-A-Punch is yours to use. From all of this, you should have collected the $5,000 you need to use it on your weapon.
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