
Apex Legends Season 12 has just launched worldwide and with Apex just hitting its most active players on Steam ever, its safe to say the games in a good spot as of now.
With any new season, players are always bound to jump into the game for the first time, and there's no better tactic to master, than where to land!
Best Places To Land In Apex Legends Season 12
As of now, there's three maps in the rotation for players this season; Olympus, Kings Canyon and Storm Point.
All of these maps have some widley unique mechanics to them, and they're all also jammed pack full of loot for players.
Shrugtal, one of the most trusted memebers in the Apex community, posted an image which identifies where some of the best loot on the map is.
The color code Shrugtal uses goes as follows:
- Blue = Forced / Special "Low" Tier
- Green = Medium Tier
- Pink = High Tier
- Orange / Red = "Special" Loot Tier