August 18, 2022
Syphon Filter is considered by many PlayStation fans to be an all-time classic, but in 2022 there are quite a few players still harbouring hope for a new entry in the series. Especially since the last Syphon Filter lauched way back in 2007 on the PSP.
The question is, will we ever see a new Syphon Filter game? Now that’s a tricky question, and certainly not one with a short one-word answer like yes or no.
Still, we’ve pulled together some of the key intel to keep you updated on the latest developments with the next adventure for Gabriel “Gabe” Logan. Read on for everything you need to know.
18 Aug Update - Checked for the latest Syphon Filter news. All the most recent updates are found just below.
Is Syphon Filter Dead?
Before the release of Sony’s new PS Plus subscription, it’s absolutely possible that you could have claimed Syphon Filter to be more or less dead and buried.
However, with Bend Studio’s third-person action shooter playing a key part as one of the core ‘retro’ titled included with PlayStation Plus Premium, you’d have to say that it’s at least had a shot of adrenaline to the arm. Likewise, it’s also been added with the addition of PlayStation Trophies, which feels like an especially positive step for fans.
At launch PS Plus Premium includes the original Syphon Filter, but prior to this, Syphon Filter 2 as well as PSP releases Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow all received age ratings in Korea for new versions available on PS5 and PS4. It would suggest Sony are far from done when it comes to adding old Syphon Filter games to the service, and hopefully it also means more chance of renewed interest in the series from both fans and Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Although, intriguingly this isn’t the only piece of news in 2020 which might suggest Sony are once again looking at the possibility of bringing Syphon Filter back into the fold.
Will Syphon Filter Come Back?
As reported by The Gamer (Via GamingLeaksAndRumours subreddit) Sony Bend’s former creative director Jeff Ross is reported to have said that Sony asked the studio to work on a new Syphon Filter.
The details of this conversation were mentioned during a chat between Days Gone’s creative directors Jeff Ross and John Garvin speaking on David Jaffe’s YouTube Show. Whilst discussing a failed pitch for Days Gone 2 (around the 18 minute mark), Ross mentioned in passing that Sony more or less asked if the team had ideas of how to remake Syphon Filter.
“They asked us, ‘what about a Syphon Filter remake’? They asked us if there were any other IPs that we have that we can use, and the only other one that we have is Syphon Filter. But honestly, I had zero ideas on how to reboot Syphon Filter so I wasn’t interested in that at all.”
Remarkably this was a story that not even John Garvin was aware of, and Jaffe went on to ask Jeff Ross if he believed a Syphon Filter remake would have been greenlit by the studio – at least to plan or prototype – however Ross seemed to be unsure of whether the interest from Sony’s side was genuine.
“I don’t know about that,” Ross suggested. “It was kind of like a keep them busy type of question like ‘hey guys, want to come up with something Syphon Filter’ while we figure out what we’re confident in pitching. I don’t think it was ever genuine”.
That’s everything you need to know about a potential Syphon Filter remake for the time being, but we’ll continue to keep this page updated with more info as it becomes available.