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Nick FarrellSeptember 16, 2024

Satisfactory 1.0: Best Starting Locations

Satisfactory 1.0 has now officially released, and while the game was in early access for quite some time, there's some brand new additions to the game.

With it also soaring with new players, you're going to want to get off to a hot start, and picking the right starting location will help a ton.

Here's the best ones to pick from. 

Satisfactory 1.0: Best Starting Locations

Satisfactory has a relaxing game where you'll be tasked with building and operating a production plant on these vast planets that will take a lot of planning to say the least.

The game has seen various improvements over the years, including new starting points, which will determine how complicated or easy your save is going to be. 

As of now, the starting locations in Satisfactory are: 

  • Grass Fields
  • Rocky Desert
  • Northern Forest
  • Dune Desert

The two we'd recommend the most are Rocky Desert and Grass Fields, the former is best due to the low elevation and ease of access to materials. 

While the Grass Fields offers players a simple zone with not a lot going on, but a good starter one to get off the ground running. 

If you're checking out Satisfactory 1.0, be sure to check out our Vulcan II TKL Pro keyboard.