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Nick FarrellSeptember 18, 2024

Satisfactory 1.0: All HUB Upgrade Milestones

Satisfactory 1.0 has now officially released, and while the game was in early access for quite some time, there's some brand new additions to the game.

With it also soaring with new players, you're going to want to get off to a hot start, and upgrading your HUB will offer some unique rewards.

Here's all the upgrade milestones. 

Satisfactory 1.0: All HUB Upgrade Milestones 

Satisfactory has a relaxing game where you'll be tasked with building and operating a production plant on these vast planets that will take a lot of planning to say the least.

The game has seen various improvements over the years, including new rewards for each level of the HUB you achieve. Reaching each level will grant you with the following. 

HUB Upgrade 1 – 10x Iron Rods Instant Buildings: Equipment Workshop
Equipment: Portable Miner
Upgrades: +3 Inventory Slots, Personal Storage Box added to the HUB
HUB Upgrade 2 – 20x Iron Rods
– 10x Iron Plates
Instant Buildings: Smelter, Power Line
Recipes: Copper Ingot, Wire, Cable
Scanner Update: Copper Ore
Upgrades: Biomass Burner added to HUB
HUB Upgrade 3 – 20x Iron Plates
– 20x Iron Rods
– 20x Wires
Instant Buildings: Constructor, Power Pole
Recipes: Concrete, Screw, Reinforced Iron Plate
Scanner Update: Limestone
HUB Upgrade 4 – 75x Iron Plates
– 20x Cables
– 10x Concrete
Instant Buildings: Conveyor Pole, Conveyor Belt
Upgrades: +3 Inventory Slots
HUB Upgrade 5 – 75x Iron Rods
– 50x Cables
– 20x Concrete
Instant Buildings: Miner Mk.1, Storage Container
Upgrades: +3 Inventory Slots, Biomass Burner added to HUB
HUB Upgrade 6 – 100x Iron Rods
– 100x Iron Plates
– 100x Wires
– 50x Concrete
Instant Buildings: Space Elevator, Biomass Burner
Recipes: Biomass
Upgrades: FICSIT Freighter added to HUB


If you're checking out Satisfactory 1.0, be sure to check out our Vulcan II TKL Pro keyboard.