Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the latest entry within the iconic series, and we’re now experiencing a new flow of content coming in the form of Season 2 Reloaded.
The mid-season update brings a lot to the game, and players are going to want to know what’s changing.
Here’s all the patch notes for Season 2 Reloaded.
Modern Warfare 3 Season2 Patch Notes: Multiplayer, Warzone, Weapon Changes and More
The mid-season update has been one that players have been looking forward to for quite some time, and it’s releasing on March 6, 2024.
Now, the full update notes have been shared and we have them listed below thanks to Infinity Ward.
- Upon aiming down sight, the crosshair will now transition directly to the center of the player’s screen rather than easing into position.
This change continues our improvements to the precision and responsiveness of aiming in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. Please continue to share your feedback and look for further changes in future game updates.
- Resolved an issue causing the Blueprints from the Spare Ribs Bundle to be less transparent than intended.
- Adjusted colors of the Incision Blueprint for the Renetti to match its intended appearance.
- Music from the Hans Zimmer MW2 Music Pack will once again play during matches.
- Resolved an issue in Gunsmith in which Camos were not previewing properly on several Weapons.
- Improved coverage of the Dissolver Camo on certain Weapons.
New Features
- Added the ability to filter Attachments by Subcategories in the Gunsmith.
- Optics: Hybrid, 4x, Thermal, Sniper Scope, 2.5x, Red Dot, Reflex, & Holo
- Muzzles: Breachers, Flash Hiders, Suppressors, Comps & Brakes
- Underbarrels: Hand Stops, Undermounted Weapons, Bipods, Vert Grips, & Angled Grips
- Added the ability to track up to 5 Challenges to view outside the Challenge menu.
- Tracked Challenges will appear on the in-game pause menu and lobby.
- Added a Mark All Read button in the Social notification center
- Added the ability to filter Attachments by Subcategories in the Gunsmith.
Bug Fixes
- Add to Favorites button will no longer appear for locked Emblems.
- Calling Cards unlockable only in Modern Warfare II will now state this information in the Customization menu.
- In Free for All Modes, the local player will no longer appear as an enemy in the kill feed.
- In Gunfight, placeholder images will no longer briefly appear in the Killcam.
- Players can now Quick Equip content from the View New Content menu.
- In Snipers Only Mode, restriction icons are now present for Weapons that aren’t Sniper Rifles, allowing players to better discern which Weapons are restricted.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Weapon Level from displaying in Gunsmith
- Several inaccuracies with Weapon Attachment descriptions have been resolved.
- Fixed several Season 2 Weekly Challenges that were not tracking progression properly.
- Weapons in Semi-Auto fire mode will now properly progress associated Challenges.
- Refined playable area boundary along the fence near the Helipad.
- By popular demand, Shipmas will permanently replace standard Shipment.
- Set factions to Spetsnaz and Rangers, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.
Dome (MWII Carry-Forward)
- Added to the pool of available Maps in Quick Play.
Operation Tin Man (War)
- Decreased time to build a laser trap from 4s to 2.5s (-38%).
- Added a score event upon killing an enemy with a laser trap.
- At the start of Phase 2, the crate containing the MAW will now automatically open after 60s.
- Improved interaction with Turrets while using Tap to Interact input option.
- Players can no longer exit the playable area near the Resting Area using a Deployable Cover.
- In Private Match, Bots will now properly parachute during the Infil sequence.
- Refined geometry to improve spawn conditions near the Main Trail.
Gun Game
- Addressed an issue that caused players to become stuck without a Weapon.
- Fixed an issue allowing enemies to capture a contested HQ in Hardcore.
Training Course (Private Match)
- Using a Cruise Missile outside the combat area will no longer halt course progression.
» Assault Rifles «
- Increased minimum hipfire spread from 2.2deg/s to 2.4deg/s (+9%).
- Increased maximum hipfire spread from 6.3deg/s to 6.7deg/s (+6%).
- Increased tactical stance spread from 2.8deg/s to 2.9deg/s (+4%).
- Increased aim down sight time from 220ms to 230ms (+5%).
- Decreased aim down sight movement speed from 3.4m/s to 3m/s (-12%).
- Increased horizontal recoil from 10.6deg/s to 15.6deg/s (+48%).
- Decreased vertical recoil from 44.4deg/s to 42deg/s (-5%).
Forbearer Heavy Stock
- Increased recoil gun kick benefit from 11% to 16%.
Moat-40 Stock
- Decreased aim down sight time benefit from 7% to 2%.
These changes ensure the BP50 remains a strong competitive option while aligning it better with its counterparts within the Assault Rifle class.
SVA 545
- Decreased sprint to fire time from 210ms to 189ms (-10%).
- Decreased aim down sight time from 250ms to 230ms (-8%).
» Battle Rifles «
- Decreased maximum damage from 39 to 38 (-3%).
- Decreased near-medium damage from 33 to 32 (-3%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 35.6m to 30.5m (-14%).
- Decreased near-medium damage range from 43.2m to 40.6m (-6%).
Within the near-medium damage range, the BAS-B is now a 4-shot kill to the torso and above.
- Decreased recoil intensity during sustained fire slightly.
A90 Venom Stock
- Decreased recoil gun kick penalty from 16% to 5%.
RB Rapidstrike Grip
- Increased aim down sight time benefit from 9% to 11%.
- Decreased recoil control penalty from 10% to 4%.
JAK Heretic Carbine Kit
- Decreased horizontal recoil from 11.9deg/s to 9.4deg/s (-21%).
- Increased vertical recoil from 47.1deg/s to 47.9deg/s (+2%).
- Incompatible Underbarrel Attachments can no longer be equipped.
JAK Heretic Carbine Kit
» Submachine Guns «
Speedway v5 Short Barrel
- Decreased aim down sight speed penalty from 15% to 10%.
- Increased recoil gun kick benefit from 4% to 9%.
- Increased recoil control benefit from 8% to 12%.
FSS Imperator Light Barrel
- Increased damage range benefit from 12% to 20%.
- Increased bullet velocity benefit from 15% to 20%.
Boreal-6C Suppressed Barrel
- Decreased bullet velocity penalty from 20% to 12%.
- Decreased damage range penalty from 20% to 12%.
Speedway v5 Short Barrel
JAK Ettin Double Barrel Kit
- Bullets are now fired in a vertical column rather than a randomized spread.
JAK Ettin Double Barrel Kit
- Decreased minimum standing hipfire spread from 2deg/s to 1.8deg/s (-10%).
- Decreased maximum standing hipfire spread from 6.2deg/s to 5.6deg/s (-10%).
- Decreased tactical stance spread from 3.4deg/s to 3.1deg/s (-9%).
JAK Headhunter Carbine Conversion
- Increased near-medium damage range from 30m to 45.7m (+38%).
JAK Headhunter Carbine Conversion
- Improved alignment of the default iron sight optic.
Lachmann Sub (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage range from 8.9m to 15.2m (+71%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 16.5m to 20.6m (+25%).
- Increased medium damage range from 23.1m to 31m (+30%).
- Increased far-medium damage range from 36.1m to 40.6m (+13%).
Most noticeably, the 5-shot kill damage range has been increased to ~20m. Additionally, within the maximum damage range, 1 headshot now results in a 4-shot kill.
» Shotguns «
Lockwood 680
Barrel Attachments
- Damage pellet count now remains at 6, regardless of ammo capacity.
Barrel Attachments
» Light Machine Guns «
Pulemyot 762
- Increased strength of aim down sight idle sway.
JAK Annihilator Bullpup Kit
- Decreased bullet velocity from 760m/s to 660m/s (-13%).
Bruen Mk9
- Decreased aim down sight time from 450ms to 410ms (-9%).
- Increased lower-torso damage multiplier from 1.05x to 1.1x (+5%).
- Increased movement speed from 3.9m/s to 4.4m/s (+13%).
- Increased crouch movement speed from 1.6m/s to 2.1m/s (+31%).
- Increased tactical sprint speed from 6.3m/s to 6.4m/s (+2%).
- Increased aim down sight movement speed from 1.9m/s to 2.4m/s (+26%).
» Sniper Rifles «
XRK Stalker
- Added new Optic Attachment: XRK Stalker Factory Iron Sight
- Unlocked via Armory Unlocks.
- Decreased aim down sight time from 610ms to 580ms (-5%).
- Added new Optic Attachment: XRK Stalker Factory Iron Sight
- Decreased aim down sight time from 760ms to 720ms (-5%).
SP-X 80 (MWII)
- Increased aim down sight time from 545ms to 570ms (+5%).
» Handguns «
XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit
- Increased bullet velocity from 525m/s to 600m/s (+14%).
XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit
JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
- Resolved an issue causing specific Attachment combinations to corrupt the Weapon’s appearance.
- Detailed Stats in the Gunsmith will no longer display an improper Tactical Stance Spread value.
JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
9mm Daemon (MWII)
Daemon Hand Rear Grip
- Added missing Pistol Fastdraw benefit.
Daemon Hand Rear Grip
» Launchers «
- EMP effects will now properly apply to enemies in Free for All Modes.
» Attachments «
Hybrid Optics
- Incompatible Attachments can no longer be equipped on MWII Shotguns.
Underbarrel Launchers
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to fire unlimited projectiles.
JAK Limb Ripper
- Increased movement speed while revving by 25%.
- Increased damage range from 1.1m to 1.4m.
- Increased damage from 36 to 50 (+39%).
- Players will no longer damage themselves in Free for All Modes.
- Resolved a compatibility issue with the JAK Raven Kit.
Stun Grenade (Tactical)
- Resolved an issue causing the movement reduction effect to be removed upon sprinting.
EMD Grenade (Tactical)
- Added additional UI elements to better communicate when an enemy is tracked.
- Tracked enemies will now appear as a constant ping on the minimap.
- Resolved an issue preventing enemies from being tracked in Free for All Modes.
- Players can no longer die unexpectedly when an EMD is thrown at vehicles or doors.
- Improved detection of objective flags near sloped surfaces in Domination Mode.
Content Restrictions
- Weapon Restrictions
- Melee Weapons
- Soulrender
- Melee Weapons
Bug Fixes
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning SR after completing a match.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Top 250 Camo from animating when previewing the reward in-game.
- Reminder: Seasonal Division Rewards will be distributed at the end of Season 2. Payers competing to earn Top 250 Division rewards must end Season 2 in the Top 250 Division.