August 5, 2022
Generally speaking when you play League of Legends you will by default play your games on a League of Legends server which is relative to your area of the world.
However, for a variety of reasons you might decide you want to play on a different Lol server. Maybe to play with specific friends on a region different from where you started. Or maybe you have moved countries and need to change to a region that’s better suited to where you live.
Whatever your reason, here’s everything you need to know about changing your server in League of Legends.
Is It Free To Change Region In League of Legends?
No, it is not free to change the region on your League of Legends/Riot Games account. You will be charged a fee to facilitate the change.
You can purchase a transfer in the official store, by clicking the account button, next to “Purchase RP”.
It costs 2600 RP for a one-way transfer and is near-instantaneous after you have paid and selected which region you wish to transfer to.
What Will Transfer In League of Legends?
Do note, when you transfer from one region to another not everything will transfer with you. Below is a list of what will and will not transfer when you change regions.
Summoner Level | Victory Points |
Champions and skins (ward skins, too) | Honor Level |
Emotes | Forum Badges |
Rune pages | Current Ranked League placement |
Summoner Icons | Mission Progress |
XP boosts | Your Shop offers |
BE balance | Clash trophies |
Remaining RP (after the cost of the transfer) | Clash Banners |
Friends List | Clash Flag Frames |
Hextech Crafting Inventory | Clash Club affiliations |
Champion Mastery levels | Loot Milestone Progress |
Hidden MMR value (adapted to the new region) | |
Statistics: games played, takedowns, wins, etc. | |
Loading screen borders | |
Item Sets | |
Summoner name (if it’s available) | |
Username (as long as it’s globally unique) | |
Eternals Progress | |
Challenges Progress |
More questions?
Don’t worry, Riot Games have created an Account Transfer FAQ with plenty more questions and answers you might have before you decide to transfer to a new League of Legends region.
That’s everything you need to know about turning off chat in League of Legends. If you’re looking for more guides and help check out some of the links just below.
League of Legends Free Champions Rotation This Week | How To Disable Chat In League of Legends | What Does FF Mean In League of Legends | How To Change To Japanese In League of Legends | How To Change Region In League of Legends | How To Get Blue Essence In League of Legends | League of Legends Eternals Explained | How To Get Orange Essence In League of Legends | How To Increase FPS Performance In League of Legends | How To Check If You’re Banned In League of Legends | How To Unblock Players In League of Legends