August 19, 2022
Diablo classes have for the longest time been able to call on pets as summonable companions to join players on their quest to overthrow the underworld. Some pets will help attack, and others will scoop up gold on your behalf.
The best part is that they’re AI controlled so you don’t have to look after them as they’ll do their own thing and follow you wherever you go.
If you’ve only just started playing (perhaps after giving Diablo Immortal a spin) and want to know what sort of pets are available throughout the game, then read on for a full list of pets available in Diablo 3 along with some quick details on how to get them.
What Do Pets Do In Diablo 3?
There are two types of pets in Diablo 3.
The majority of pets are classed as ‘Non-Combat Pets’ or ‘Cosmetic Pets’ who are summoned from the Wardrobe like aesthetic items. They cannot help you in gameplay or battle, but they can help collect gold for players, so they still serve a purpose.
The second type of Pet in Diablo 3 will help with enhancing certain items, like Enforcer, Tasker and Theo or Mask of Jeram. Unless specifically stated otherwise, their attacks will give no Life on Hit and will not trigger any ‘on hit’ special effects.
Diablo 3 Pets List
Below is a list of all pets in Diablo 3, separated by how you can get them:
Available via purchases and world drops
- Bones – Rewarded by purchasing the Reaper of Souls Digital Deluxe Edition.
- Half-Formed Golem – Rewarded by purchasing the Rise of the Necromancer DLC
- Liv Moore – Rewarded by killing Ravi Lilywhite in the Weeping Hallow, Act I.
Available via ‘Darkening of Tristram’ event Pets
- Butcher – Rewarded by killing the Dark Lord in a solo game starting with a Level 1 character in ‘The Darkening of Tristram’ seasonal event.
- Royal Calf – Rewarded for completing a quest during ‘The Darkening of Tristram’ seasonal event.
Available via Menagerist Goblin drops
- Blaze
- Buddy
- The Bumble
- Charlotte
- Friendly Gauntlet
- Galthrak the Unhinged
- Grunkk
- Haunting Hannah
- Humbart Wessel
- Lady Morthanlu
- Lamb
- Malfeasance
- Ms. Madeleine
- The Mimic
- Overseer Lady Josephine
- Queen of the Succubi
- That Which Must not be Named
- Unihorn
Diablo 3 Seasonal Pets
With every new season of Diablo 3 a new non-combat pet is made available to players as End of Journey rewards for any players who complete the entirety of the Season journey.
In most cases players will need to endure The Fall of the Nephalem and complete the Season’s Guardian Journey to earn a brand new portrait and a brand new non-combat pet.
Players have roughly three months to complete the Season’s Guardian Journey in order to claim the pet, but once a season ends that’s it. Previous seasons’ pets cannot be obtained once the season ends.
Diablo 3 Season 27 Pet
As in past seasons, two new End of Journey cosmetic rewards will be obtainable during Season 27. Stand hand-in-hand against demonic threats with the Corvus Cadaverous pet (see below) and emphasize your cerebral nature with the Laurels of Knowledge portrait.
That’s everything you need to know about ALL the Diablo 3 Pets. If you’re looking for more Diablo 3 Tier Lists, Builds and tips then you’ll find plenty more guides on the links below:
Diablo 3 Tier List for Season 27 | Diablo 3 Best Barbarian Build | Diablo 3 Best Crusader Build | Diablo 3 Best Demon Hunter Build | Diablo 3 Best Monk Build | Diablo 3 Best Necromancer Build | Diablo 3 Best Witch Doctor Build | Diablo 3 Best Builds For Echoing Nightmare
Diablo 3 Season 27 Start Time | Diablo 3 Angelic Crucibles | Diablo 3 Sanctified Powers | Diablo 3 Patch Notes | How To Claim Season Rewards
Diablo 3 Set Items List | Diablo 3 Pets List | Diablo 3 Kanai’s Cube Location | How To Claim Diablo 3 Haedrig’s Gift | How To Get Death’s Breath | How To Get Ramaladni’s Gift | How To Farm Puzzle Rings |
Diablo 3 Boss Fight Guides – Adria | Belial | Ghom | Rakanoth | Zoltun Kulle